Why I came to serve as a missionary?
I came to serve as a missionary to discern God's will for me and because I have always desired to help others reach Christ in the little, hidden ways.
How have I grown?
So much! I've learned to cook, make beds, work with others, live in community, and to overcome my own faults.
How have I seen the Lord working in my life?
Every day we start and end in prayer and its evident the Lord works through that and provides us with His strength. I've seen a lot of miracles happen here!
Some of the blessings received as a missionary…
A great community and some wonderful friendships and the ability to see people grow closer to Christ.
My favorite place at the CRC is…
The chapel, but a close second is the bayou!
After receiving your application (complete the form below), we will begin reference checks. Following reference checks, we will schedule a zoom interview. Following interview, some candidates will be invited to a Come & See to experience life at the CRC as a missionary. Typically, within 3 weeks of the Come & See, candidates will know if they are offered a position.
Why I came to serve as a missionary?
I came to serve as a missionary at the CRC because I was really desiring to serve the Lord and others, while also having the opportunity to grow!
How have I grown?
I have grown in many ways; thanks be to God! I have learned lots of skills and life lessons, while also growing in self-awareness and self-gift. My intimacy with the father has deepened and my understanding of who I am as his beloved daughter has grown stronger. I’m beyond grateful for His Divine Providence in bringing me out to the CRC and for all the ways in which I have been formed and grown in my time here, and for all the ways God will continue to help me grow! J
How have I seen the Lord working in my life?
I have seen the Lord working very intentionally on my heart over this past year. He’s really been showing me the beauty and goodness in all the emotions I experience, and how He wants me to bring all of what I’m feeling to Him. He has also been teaching me how to better love myself and others, which in turn has helped me to better embrace the gift that I am, and that others are to the world.
Some of the blessings received as a missionary…
-Getting to meet and have meaningful conversations with God’s people
-Building friendships
-Growing in my relationship with the Lord
-Growing in my knowledge and love for my Catholic faith
-Seeing the fruits of serving in this way
-Learning many new things that will bless me moving forward
-Discovering this beautiful retreat center which now stores a very special place in my heart
My favorite place at the CRC is…
Probably the meditation chapel, I love how intimate and special this little chapel is! I also really love the bayou, the walk leading up to it has allowed me to really connect with God through the beauty of nature.
Recommendation for future missionaries…
-Enjoy the grounds of the CRC!
-Make the time to do the things that are going to bless your future self!
-Get involved with a community, (St. Mary’s in League City has an awesome young adult group!)
-Keep Jesus at the center of all your tasks and lean on Him for strength always!
Where I am off to?
To whatever adventure God has in store for me next!J