Praise be to God, we have been awarded a $100,000 grant from Baxter Trust to go towards our upcoming renovations. We will receive $50,000 in 2022 and $50,000 in 2023. Thank you for your prayers. With this awarding of funds we have been able to begin the covered walkway roof which has created a safety concern. Friends we have been blessed lately with some Trust and Foundations but we still depend on individuals and families to help us continue the good work we are doing to fully renovate the CRC. Part of the reason Trust and Foundations donate to the CRC is because they see many individuals contributing to us. By covering the cost of renovations and necessary repairs from donations we are able to keep our retreat prices affordable and we are one of the lowest price retreat centers in the State of Texas!!!! Thank you prayer warriors for praying for these foundations/trust. Now please pray for a strong end of the year that will allow us to plan our 2023 renovations.