As we have increased our capacity for guests, we needed to increase our capacity for cleaning linens. The CRC is the largest capacity Catholic retreat center in the State of Texas. That means we can directly impact more souls every day, praise be to God! Our team did a brilliant job of increasing the laundry room for our staff to use. From when the Christian Holiday House opened in 1966 and served a maximum of 60 guests at a time we have increased and have plans to continue to increase to a 374 guest capacity. This has been done by changing beds in current rooms from two twins to a full and a twin in 2/3 of the room as well as creating 20 family rooms with 2 fulls and 1 twin on top. In the next couple of years, after we have renovated what has been entrusted to our care, we plan to build two 22-person wheelchair-accessible lodges.